The first Short – Term Joint Staff Training took place between April 23 and 27 in the premises of OIC Poland Foundation, in Lublin. Poland. Two experts from every project organization met to:
Get capacity to work with developed project tools – On-line career aptitude tool for students and Get to know the labour market – game.
Get ready to use the elaborated project outputs (On-line career aptitude tool for students and Get to know the labour market – game) at local/ regional/national level for the pilot testing, as well as after project completion.
Test the Training Toolkit and materials i.e. guides/instructions on the use of the developed tools, career counselling lessons’ scenarios.
We all had the opportunity to check the progress of all these products and participate in their developing with our suggestions. On Tuesday 24 April we had the chance to visit the “Information and Career Planning Centre of Lublin”. On Thursday 26 April the Seminar “School career counsellors and challenges of contemporary world” took place, with the participation of Polish teachers, headmasters and school career counsellors. In it the experts from Cyprus, Turkey and Spain presented the school career counselling in their schools / countries.
The third transnational meeting of the project took place at the same place on April 28. During the meeting, the project and overall activities were checked; at the same time the immediate actions to be taken were set and agreed among the consortium.
A big thank you to OIC Poland Foundation for a wonderful organization!